5 Ways Floor Coatings Can Help You Reclaim Your Space & Be Stress Free
We’ve all been there – staring hopelessly around a room that reeks of dissatisfaction. Maybe it’s the cracks in the floors, the piles of clutter inching their way across every square foot, the noticeable stains, or the layers of dirt you haven’t swept up in weeks. Whatever the case, evidence suggests that the more disenchanted we are with our physical space, the more likely we are to continue patterns of disorganization and untidiness.
For decades, experts in the field of mind-body health have been revealing the direct relationship between our environmental surroundings and our physical health. Spaces that promote positivity, reduce stress levels, and enhance creativity and innovation. Spaces that appear rundown and cluttered, increase apathy and produce stress. When we are stressed our bodies release higher levels of cortisol (the stress-hormone). Increased levels of cortisol lead to chronic conditions like high-blood pressure, inflammation, anxiety, and depression – stuff that is seriously bad for your health!
Since science suggests that you consider how your space is affecting your psyche, we recommend you start with the floor. An impressive floor is grounds for organizational magic and mood-boosting enhancement.
Here are 5 ways floor coatings can help you reclaim your space and be stress-free.
1. A Stunning Environment You Can Be Proud Of
Beautifying your floor will establish pride in your space, motivating you to take action on those organizational projects and excite you to share your space with others. And, concrete coatings aren’t just for garages and commercial use. They make for gorgeous basements, patios, rec rooms, and sunrooms.
2. A Lighter Chore Load
Coatings are low-maintenance and easy to clean. They will reduce the amount of time you spend on household chores, giving you one less thing to worry about.
3. You Can Set It And Forget It
Unlike other flooring solutions that require regular care, concrete coatings are durable, long-lasting surfaces. You can free up space in your mind thinking about regular upkeep, your coating will last for years and you won’t have to lift a finger.
4. It’s Easy On Your Wallet
Compared to other flooring options, we like coatings because they are cost-effective and save you money. Financial stress is one of the most difficult burdens to bear, and you don’t need to create fiscal tension turning your depressed floor into an attractive mainstay.
5. Your Creative Freedom Awaits No more reservations about what you cannot do with your floor. It’s only what you CAN do – coatings are incredibly versatile. Your inner creative child will be bubbling with excitement over all the options from which to choose. Have a favorite team mascot? Yep, you can even put that on your floor!
The saying is true, “You are a product of your environment,” so don’t let your drab space bring you down. Remove the stresses of your physical environment and reclaim what is yours! And if you need some guidance, our seriously great team is here to help.