Was Your Deck Built Poorly? 3 Big Warning Signs

Your Deck Construction is Important

A well-constructed deck is essential for safety and longevity. It is important to recognize the warning signs of poor deck construction in order to avoid potential hazards. If you see any of the warning signs below, it is important to have your deck inspected by a qualified contractor. A poorly constructed deck can be dangerous and should not be used until it has been repaired or replaced. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your deck is safe and enjoyable for years to come.

Deck with structural concern that needs to be fixed professionally.y

Addressing Structural Concerns

Sagging and Uneven Decks

A sagging or uneven deck surface is a serious problem that can pose a safety hazard. It can also be unsightly and make it difficult to use the deck. There are several potential causes of a sagging or uneven deck surface, including:

  • Insufficient supports: The deck may not have enough supports to support its weight. This can be caused by using the wrong type of lumber, not using enough supports, or spacing the supports too far apart.
  • Improper foundation: The deck may not have a proper foundation. This can be caused by using the wrong type of foundation, not using enough footings, or not digging the footings deep enough.
  • Weather damage: The deck may have been damaged by weather conditions, such as heavy rain or snow. This can cause the deck to sag or become uneven.
  • Wood rot: The deck may have wood rot. This can cause the deck to sag or become uneven.

If you have a sagging or uneven deck surface, it is important to have it inspected by a qualified professional to determine the cause, and recommend a solution. Ignoring a sagging or uneven deck surface can lead to the deck collapsing.

In addition to the potential safety hazards, a sagging or uneven deck surface can also be unsightly and make it difficult to use the deck. If you're concerned about the appearance of your deck, or if you find it difficult to use, you may want to consider having it repaired or replaced.

Deck with sagging, cracked, and peeling stairs.

Loose or Shaky Railings

Loose or shaky deck railings can be a serious safety hazard. They can easily collapse, causing serious injuries or even death. It is important to inspect your deck railings regularly for signs of wear and tear, and to make repairs or replacements as needed.

Here are some quick tips for ensuring secure deck railings:

  • Inspect your deck railings regularly for signs of wear and tear.
  • Make repairs or replacements as needed.
  • Use high-quality materials and construction methods when building or repairing deck railings.
  • Install the railings according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Use the appropriate tools and fasteners.
  • Inspect the railings after a major storm or other event that could have damaged them.

Secure deck railings are essential for safety. By following these tips, you can help to keep your family and friends safe on your deck.

In addition to the dangers listed above, loose or shaky deck railings can also be a liability for homeowners. If someone is injured on your deck due to a faulty railing, you could be held liable for their medical expenses and other damages.

Deck with rotting wood in need of repair.

Material Quality and Workmanship

Rotting or Decaying Wood

Poor-quality materials can lead to wood decay and rot on your deck in a number of ways. First, they may not be treated with the proper preservatives, which can make them more susceptible to moisture damage. Second, they may be made from low-grade wood that is more likely to rot or decay. Third, they may not be properly installed, which can allow moisture to seep in and cause damage.

Wood decay and rot can compromise the structural integrity of your deck in a number of ways. First, it can weaken the wood, making it more likely to break or collapse. Second, it can create openings in the wood, which can allow pests and moisture to enter and cause further damage. Third, it can make the deck slippery and dangerous to walk on.

If you suspect that your deck is made from poor-quality materials or is suffering from wood decay or rot, it is important to have it inspected.

Here are some tips to help prevent wood decay and rot on your deck:

  • Use treated wood for all deck construction.
  • Install the deck properly, with proper drainage and ventilation.
  • Inspect the deck regularly for signs of damage.
  • Repair any damage as soon as possible.
  • Seal the deck regularly with a wood preservative.
  • Keep the deck clean and free of debris.

Excessive Splitting or Cracking

 Excessive splitting or cracking in deck boards can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Poor workmanship: If the deck boards were not properly installed, they may be more susceptible to splitting or cracking. For example, if the boards were not nailed or screwed down securely, they may be more likely to move around and split when exposed to changes in temperature or moisture.
  • Material selection: Some types of wood are more prone to splitting or cracking than others. For example, pressure-treated lumber is less likely to split than untreated lumber, but it is still possible for it to split if it is not properly installed.
  • Environmental factors: Deck boards that are exposed to extreme weather conditions, such as high winds or extreme temperatures, may be more likely to split or crack.

If you notice any signs of excessive splitting or cracking in your deck boards, it is important to address the issue as soon as possible. Ignoring the problem could allow the cracks to worsen, which could make the deck unsafe to use..

Deck with insufficient supports.

Beware of Deck Design Flaws

Improper Attachment to House

Decks improperly attached to the house can be dangerous and costly. Here are some of the risks:

  • The deck could collapse, causing serious injury or death.
  • The deck could detach from the house and fall, damaging property or injuring people below.
  • Water could leak into the house through cracks in the deck, causing mold and mildew growth.
  • The deck could rot or warp, making it unsafe to use.

To avoid these risks, it's important to have your deck inspected and repaired by a qualified contractor if necessary. You should also keep an eye out for any signs of damage, such as loose boards or cracks in the foundation. If you see any problems, have them fixed immediately.

Water intrusion and damage can be a serious problem for decks that are not properly attached to the house. When water gets into the cracks between the deck and the house, it can cause mold and mildew growth, rot, and other damage. This can lead to costly repairs and even structural problems with the house.

To prevent water intrusion and damage, it's important to seal the cracks between the deck and the house with a waterproof sealant. You should also make sure that the deck is properly drained so that water does not pool on the surface. If you have any questions about how to prevent water intrusion and damage, you should consult with a qualified contractor.

Inadequate Support and Framing

Proper support and framing are essential for the stability of any deck. Without them, the deck could collapse. Here are some of the most common design flaws that can compromise deck stability:

  • Not using enough support beams. The number and size of support beams needed for a deck will vary depending on the size and weight of the deck. It is important to consult with a structural engineer to determine the correct number and size of support beams for your deck.
  • Not using the right type of lumber. Not all lumber is created equal. Some types of lumber are stronger than others. It is important to use the right type of lumber for your deck to ensure its stability.
  • Not using the right fasteners. Fasteners are used to connect the support beams and joists of a deck. It is important to use the right type of fasteners for your deck to ensure its stability.
  • Not using the right connectors. Connectors are used to connect the support beams and joists of a deck to the foundation. It is important to use the right type of connectors for your deck to ensure its stability.
  • Not following building codes. Building codes are in place to ensure the safety of decks. It is important to follow building codes when constructing a deck to ensure its stability.

Ensure that your deck is safe and enjoyable for years to come.

Members of the webfoot team.

Importance of Professional Inspection and Repair

Regular deck inspections by professionals are essential to ensure the safety and longevity of your deck. A professional deck inspector will look for signs of wear and tear, such as loose boards, rotting wood, and mold or mildew. They will also check for structural damage, such as cracks in the foundation or joists. If any problems are found, the inspector will recommend repairs or replacements.

Early identification of warning signs can prevent further damage to your deck. For example, if you see loose boards, it is important to have them repaired as soon as possible. Otherwise, the boards could become more loose and eventually fall off, creating a safety hazard. Similarly, if you see rotting wood, it is important to have it replaced. Otherwise, the rot could spread and eventually cause the entire deck to collapse.

Webfoot Painting is a trusted provider of deck inspection and repair services. We have a team of experienced and qualified professionals who will inspect your deck and recommend the necessary repairs. We also offer a variety of deck staining and sealing services to protect your deck from the elements and extend its lifespan.

Contact Webfoot Painting today to schedule a deck inspection. We will help you keep your deck safe and beautiful for years to come.

Webfoot's Expert Deck Inspection and Repair

 Webfoot Home Improvements is Bend's leading deck inspection and repair company with over 20 years of experience. We have a team of experts who are skilled in identifying and addressing poorly built decks. We offer a range of services to rectify deck construction issues, including:

  • Deck inspection: We will inspect your deck to identify any potential problems.
  • Deck repair: We will repair any damage to your deck, including rot, mold, and structural issues.
  • Deck replacement: If your deck is beyond repair, we can replace it with a new, high-quality deck.

We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. We offer free estimates and warranties on all of our work. Contact us today to learn more about our deck inspection and repair services.