Auto Repair Concrete Coatings

Auto Repair Concrete Coatings

Auto Repair Concrete Coatings: The New Normal (Post-Pandemic) And Industry Standard For Auto Shops

 Are you wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to auto repair concrete coating floors? Are you waiting to see if concrete coatings are a bandwagon fad? Once you read a little more about why industrial auto garages across the nation are choosing to next level their polished concrete flooring, we know you’ll be in the first row cheering on auto repair concrete coatings too. Here’s why concrete coatings are protecting the nation against COVID, and some other benefits.

Benefits During A Pandemic

 Protecting your workforce and customers has never been more important. If you properly disinfect your auto repair concrete coating regularly, this surface has the best chance at the least transfer of microbes possible. Even though many folks might be walking across your floor daily and your staff may be laying on or near to the floor in order to access critical parts of an engine, drivetrain, and so on, with proper disinfecting on a regular schedule, all parties can rest assured they are COVID safe. What’s even better, if the flooring system is ideal for microbe disinfecting and repelling, it’s tough on other creepy crawlies like insects, nano bacteria, viruses, and fungus too.


Germ And Koodie Proof

 Antimicrobial surfaces, like that of a polyurea concrete coating, protect human health and don’t absorb inevitable pesky auto repair associated spills like oil and other hydrocarbon-based vehicle-related substances. When applied properly, these coatings are seamless surfaces that chemically bond to the surface below. Because they are airtight, they are also moisture resistant, non-porous, and waterproof. In addition, they are VOC-free (non-volatile), odor-free, and emission-free. For more about these high standards, see Webfoot’s commercial concrete coatings' information.

Polyurea vs. Epoxy

 Remember, with a plain old floor paint, epoxy, or other mechanically bonding polish, the potential for early onset chipping, fractures, and flaking is a concern. Plus, epoxy is far easier to scratch. With a full-on polyurea coating on your auto repair concrete coating floor, these deterioration inconveniences aren’t an issue. Since microbes and other koodies love to latch on to chipping and flaking surfaces, when the surface is smooth down to the nanoparticle, these creatures have nowhere to hide and no substrate to hang on to. Disinfecting washes them away like a stiff afternoon breeze.

 Wondering what auto repair concrete coating options are available? See this video. Outside the commercial sphere, Webfoot is also an industry leader when it comes to residential and garage concrete coatings. Contact us for a free estimate today. We may even be able to punch out your concrete coating project in one day.

 By: KM Collins