Buster & Lilly's Doggie Daycare Testimonial

Buster & Lilly's Doggie Daycare Testimonial

After four years it was clear, Buster and his friends weren’t loving their atmosphere.

The rubber flooring at their doggie daycare was absorbing a stench not worth ignoring.

Their groomers were great and everyone loved the facility, but the smell was quite concerning.

The stink was beginning to kill the sensitive noses of everyone that came near.

For fear of making everyone sick, Buster and his friends knew something needed to happen, and quick.

In came Webfoot Concrete Coating’s crew all aglow.

With knowledge, expertise, and equipment all in tow.

To save Buster and Lilly’s Doggie Daycare was the goal.

And to do it they would need 24 hours to prove it.

They wasted no time and quickly got busy.

Their work was swift and left no one in a tizzy.

A quote was produced by the end of their first visit.

With pricing stated clearly, no secrets or surprises, how exquisite!

The porous flooring was removed in a flash, and the grinding was done without much abash.

To Buster’s delight, the install took less than a day.

The floors were now gorgeous; clean, scent-free, and not porous.

Webfoot bid Buster and his crew a kind adieu.

Letting them know they’d be back if at all needed.

To help with repairs, questions, and to ensure all expectations are exceeded.

So if you need help at all with your floors,

Let Webfoot Concrete Coatings help you with these chores.

Call or click for a free quote.

You certainly won’t be sorry you’d dropped us a note.