COVID-19 & Your Home Project with Webfoot

COVID-19 & Your Home Project with Webfoot

It’s no secret that the Coronavirus is a huge topic these days, dominating the headlines and causing some justifiable concern. We want to be totally transparent and let you know that we’re taking all of this, well, seriously! Here’s a closer look at the policies we’ve implemented across all of our concrete coating service locations, designed to keep you, our team, and our communities safe and healthy.

What Are We Doing To Protect You?

  • If any of our team can work from home, we’re requiring them to do so
  • We’ve made all company meetings virtual to limit unnecessary gatherings
  • Mandatory sick days (with paid time off) for any employees who are feeling the least bit under the weather
  • Team members in the field are maintaining a 6-foot distance, just to be cautious
  • Sorry, no hand shakes, just out of respect for you
  • We’ve educated our team in best health practices, including frequent handwashing and using hand sanitizer - all teams carry disinfecting wipes and sanitizer with them
  • We daily wipe down our high traffic surfaces with disinfectant wipes at our HQ
  • We’re staying educated and vigilant!

Contact Our Webfoot Concrete Coatings Team with Any Questions!

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. Public health is a shared priority and responsibility, and we’re in this together.

We look forward to serving you!