Our Dog Kennel Floor Coatings are Spot On

Our Dog Kennel Floor Coatings are Spot On

Everyone that sets foot on our broadcasted chip dog kennel flooring will notice the quality and character of its beautiful, non-slip and everlasting surface.

Dog kennels and doggie daycare flooring needs to be resilient enough to withstand years of abuse including heavy foot traffic, lacerations from claws, and abrasive chemicals. Webfoot Concrete Coatings offers a multitude of flooring options to suit our furry friends, including our polyurea floor coatings. All of our dog kennel flooring options look amazing, are cost-efficient, and can resist the wear and tear of our four-legged companions.

We’re professionals in the doggie daycare concrete coatings business, we understand the special circumstances that dog kennels might experience when considering a concrete coatings purchase. We have many flooring options to choose from that will suit every requirement and financial situation. Our objective is to educate our customers while providing unmatched customer support so they can make the best decision.

Commercial Polyurea Flooring and Other Dog Daycare Flooring Options

Our broadcasted chip flooring is one of the most popular choices for boarding kennels, however, our options are vast without compromising durability. Webfoot Concrete Coating’s unsurpassed quality of products and expert installers ensure your satisfaction with a finish that will stand the test of time.

  • Broadcasted Chip Flooring: This type of concrete floor coating has increased in popularity due to its resistance to chemicals, one-day installation, and availability in a multitude of colors. This coating makes a great option for dog kennels because of its anti-slip and odor resistance.
  • Polyurea Floor Coating: Dog daycare facilities choose this floor coating for its no-fuss maintenance. Polyurea floor coatings are also chemical resistant and have an optional slip-resistant finish.
  • Silica Sand Floor Coating: Our silica sand floor coating also offers short installation time and comes in a variety of colors. This floor coating can typically cover all of your basic needs.

Contact Us Today for Your Dog Kennel Flooring Installation

Let Webfoot Concrete Coatings show you how our concrete flooring is a leg up on the competition. Call us today, or fill out our contact form to speak to a concrete coating specialist; our estimates are always free!